November brings with it unique driving hazards. Learning to recognize these hazards, and knowing how to stay safe, is important. Common November Driving Hazards November is the official start of the winter season in New Jersey. This leads to cold temperatures and icy roads. Here are some of the most common driving hazards in November …
New Jersey Summers Are Nicknamed “Trauma Season” Summer is here! For most, that means breaking out the swimming pool, trampoline and bicycles. It means enjoying the outdoors. It means heading down to the Jersey Shore. Unfortunately, it also means a much greater risk for injuries and accidents to occur. In fact, the summer season is …
It’s important to avoid automobile collisions with animals when possible. If you’re a passenger in an auto collision that involves an animal, you may have the right to claim compensation for your injuries, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Recognize that deer may be in and on any local road. New Jersey state statistics show …
Rollover vehicle accidents are responsible for more than 30 percent of vehicular deaths. An individual who survives a rollover accident is frequently facing life-changing and serious bodily injuries. A rollover accident may involve a single vehicle, but that doesn’t mean you’re always responsible for the rollover accident. Faulty or defective designs, or even defects in …
With an increasing number of drivers on the road, car accidents are becoming more and more common, unfortunately. Some accidents are not anything more than a fender bender, while some are life-taking. Regardless of the size of the accident, there are some other unfortunate cases that come along with them. One of the most common …
Unfortunately becoming more common today is drunk and drugged driving, especially with marijuana becoming legal in more states throughout the United States. There is a difference between the two, but that does not mean one is safer than the other, and neither of them should be performed at any time. Knowing the difference between the …
Keeping the kids safe while driving is often a concern with many parents. There are many precautions, regardless of age, that should be taken into consideration when it comes to children being in cars. Whether they are at the age where they require a car seat, or they are at the age where they may …
In many states across the United States, it is becoming increasingly common to see charges being placed against people who kill someone due to a motor accident, so long as it was their fault. If you or someone you know is facing criminal charges due to a deadly car accident, those charges are likely to …
Whenever people think of car accidents, they often think of the most common causes of accidents: Drunk driving, distracted driving, speeding, and more all contribute to the most accidents. But one type of driving is often overlooked: drowsy driving. Drowsy driving has recently become a major problem in the United States as more and more …
Burn injuries are among the most devastating injuries a person can encounter. Under the most basic circumstances, they can be painful and require thorough treatment. Under the most critical circumstances, they can be life-changing and even fatal. Though often accidental, burn injuries are often the result of someone’s negligence. Below are five common causes of …