Embarking on the legal journey following a catastrophic injury from an auto accident demands not just legal expertise but also compassionate guidance. Lombardi & Lombardi, an esteemed law firm in New Jersey, is not just a legal ally; they are your partners in navigating the complexities of personal injury law stemming from serious auto accidents. …
Sudden unintended acceleration (SUA) is a perplexing automotive phenomenon that has gained significant attention due to its potential dangers and legal implications. In New Jersey, as in many other states, instances of vehicles unexpectedly accelerating without driver input have led to accidents, injuries, and even fatalities. This article delves into the causes of sudden unintended …
Summer is a time when college students can finally take a break from their studies and enjoy some well-deserved relaxation. Unfortunately, for many young adults, this carefree season can quickly turn tragic due to the consequences of drunk driving accidents. In this blog post, we will explore the profound impact of drunk driving crashes on …
Texting and driving have become a serious issue with devastating consequences in our modern society, resulting in countless accidents, injuries, and even fatalities. In bustling New Jersey, these dangerous habits pose particularly alarming risks. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), texting and driving is six times more dangerous than driving under the …
Yes, you can sue the party responsible for your car accident. Even though insurance usually covers medical treatment and compensation for damages suffered, there are times when it makes sense to sue the other party. The more important question is whether you have grounds for a successful lawsuit and whether it will be worth it …
By New Jersey law, you have two years from the day of the car accident to file a lawsuit against the parties responsible. This statute of limitations also applies to a wrongful death lawsuit in a case where you lost a loved one in a car accident. Two years is not a long time, and …
SUV- and CUV-style vehicles have become the most popular style of personal passenger vehicle among motorists. But are SUVs actually more dangerous for pedestrians? Pedestrian Accident Statistics A study announced by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety found that SUV-type vehicles appeared to be more deadly for pedestrians. The study found that SUVs caused more …
Fall weather is officially upon us. This means falling leaves, chilling temperatures, and more rainstorms. Completing a quick review of autumn driving risks is a great idea each year to ensure that you’re prepared. Distracted Drivers New Jersey can put on a beautiful fall show. Many New Jersey drivers look forward to the beautiful seasonal …
We have all been there: making our daily drive to work after a sleepless night. Sleep experts recommend that the average adult should get anywhere between seven to nine hours of sleep a night. However, that’s easier said than done. While a lack of sleep can make you feel groggy and short-tempered, it can also …
Summer in New Jersey is commonly spent by the pool or beach. The increasing temperatures and sun-filled days bring New Jersey residents outdoors. Unfortunately, this also leads to an increase in car accidents. Find out what specific causes lead to an increase in car accidents during the summer months. More Travelers on the Road Many …